Our mission at Wabash & Lake Studios is to provide our audience entertaining content through various formats in the documentary and reality television landscape.  The soul of Wabash & Lake is based in documentary story telling and we will always seek authenticity in the content we deliver regardless of the format.  We will be a brand that is synonymous with creativity, fearlessness and excellence. 

Our meter of success will be not only be measured by the size of our audience…we will also measure our success by the collaborative journey and individual contributions made to the creation of our content.  

To achieve this success, we must foster a safe environment for risk takers, innovators and outside of the box thinkers and utilize their talents to the fullest.  In order to deliver the level of quality and authenticity required for our audience, we must be bold and unafraid to take risks.  We will be brazen.  This is…Wabash & Lake. 


Jason “Ninja” Williams and Matthew Ruecker